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Ingredients: Purified Shilajit, Triphala.
It is useful in nightfall, diabetes mellitus, dysurea feminine discharge, epilepsy, swelling, urinary stone, diseased sperms or follicle, excessive fat deposition.
Dosage & Administration:2-4 pills
Anupan: Honey, Lukeworm water.
Presentation: 60 tabs, 250 tabs and 500 tabs
Ingredients: Purified Shilajit, Triphala.


Sonamukhi, Jeshthamadhu, Haritaki, Sauvarchal, Lavang, Velachi, Sunth, Dalchini etc.
It is indicated in constipation. It causes motion without irritation to the bowel.
Dosage & Administration: 500 mg to 3 gms..
Anupan: Lukewarm water.
Presentation :  50 g and 500 g.


Ingredients: Brihat Yogaraj Guggul, Gulvel, Devdar, Chopchini, Nirgudi etc.
Properties: Guggul is well known ayurvedic herbal remedy for vataj vikar (rhematism). Brihat yogaraj guggul is a famous granthokta formulation used in treatment of amavat, vatrog and asthimajjagatvatajvikar. Dashmul, Devdar, Chopchini, gulvel are added to Brihat yogaraj guggul and processed in Khalva Yantra with nirgundi (bhavana). This makes a wonderful combination of ayurvedic herbs to treat all types of vataj vikar. Arkarthro if taken with Maharasnadi Kadha will be definitely useful for all patients suffering from arthritis, rheumatism, joint pain etc.
Indications: Amavat, Vatrog, Udarrog, Asthimajjagatvatajvikar, Joint pain, Arthritis, Rheumatism etc.


Maka (Bhringraj), Til Tail, Haritaki, Amalaki, Bibhitak, Manjishtha, Haridra, Nagarmotha, Nagkeshar, Deodar, Dagadphool in Til oil base.
It is helpful in scalp hair diseases, e.g. early scalp hair loss, sudden hair loss, discolouration of hair.
Presentation : Bottle of  100ml, 200 ml.



Shatavari, Belmoola, Askand, Ringani, Gokharu, Dorli, Chikanmoola, Punarnava, Daruharidra. Salwan Pithwan in Til Oil base.

It is one of the wellknown ayurvedic product used externally for arthritic and joint pain. Patients with paraplegia, swellings, pain, muscle sprain, neck stiffness, muscle spasm in legs. It is used internally for nourishment to alimentary canal. It is used as massage oil for joint pain.

Presentation : Bottle of 60ml, 120 ml and 1 Lt.